The Marie Sklodowska-Curie action MIGRATE addresses some of the current challenges to innovation that face European industry with regard to heat and mass transfer in gas-based micro-scale processes. The associated ETN innovation training network spans numerical, experimental, theoretical and applied research experts across academia, large scale industry and high-tech SMEs. MIGRATE has received funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

During this 2-day symposium, the members of the MIGRATE network will showcase the main achievements of the project. In addition, a variety of talks will be selected to present a state-of-the art view to the covered topics as well as new developments and research results.
The program will include keynote lectures, invited lectures and contributed papers. A call for extended abstracts will be published by early 2019. Detailed information about ISTEGIM 2019 will be presented on:
The symposium program will cover the following topics:
- Micro Sensors & Sensing Techniques
- Sampling and Analysis Microsystems
- Energy Recovery Microsystems
In each of these fields, new developments will be presented, concerning:
- Modelling, simulation and design tools
- Experimental techniques and measurements
- Materials and manufacturing techniques

Much to our regret we have to inform about the sudden and totally unexpected passing of Prof. Dr. Jason Reese, University of Edinburgh, on March 8 2019 at the age of 51 years.
He had contributed significantly to the training of young researchers in both the GASMEMS and the MIGRATE projects to make each of these a great success with excellent outcomes.
Jason was a highly acknowledged scientist of outstanding reputation (see, an extremely friendly, nice humorous colleague and friend!
We all will miss his support and his positive attitude.
On behalf of the “MIGRATE” and “GASMEMS” members
J. Brandner
MIGRATE network coordinator